How to prevent anyone in your family from accessing porn sites on their phone in a simple way
Pornographic sites represent the greatest danger on the Internet, especially for children, as it makes a person addicted to it and may lead to changing perceptions of the child, which causes the destruction of his social life. Therefore, as a parent or as a brother, you must try to protect children from these sites by blocking them in various ways so we will learn in this post On a way to block those websites on phones by changing the DNS of my home WiFi network.
Enter the Wi-Fi settings and go to the network you are connected to, then press and hold on it until a menu appears, from which to modify network.
Then, through the IP settings, adjust it from DHCP to Static, then enter the following values as in the picture.
Then click SAVE to save the changes and you can now leave the phone for the children without any worry of accessing porn sites as long as the home WiFi is used.