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How to create and add attractive graphics to Facebook Live

How to create and add attractive graphics to Facebook Live
Initially, Facebook Live was only available to mobile users, but now, the service is available to desktop users as well. Using a desktop computer to produce live Facebook videos has huge advantages. This gives you access to Live Producer, which opens up opportunities to improve your live videos.

This guide will take you through the steps needed to prepare graphics and texts using Facebook Live Producer from the desktop. Live Producer gives you the power to create polls, overlays, questions, manage live broadcasts, and more.

  • what do you need

To take advantage of these native tools, you will need external software or hardware encryption software that supports adding a browser source. Open Broadcast Software (OBS) is the encoder we'll be using for this guide. It is free and open-source software for video recording and lives broadcasting.

If you want to use alternative encryption software, don't worry. Most streaming software solutions have similar settings that you can configure in the same way we'll explain in this guide. Make sure to check Facebook's list of supported encoders if you want to use something different.

How to connect your encryption software to Facebook Live

Before we start, you will need to connect your encryption software to Facebook Live. Here we will explain how to connect OBS to Facebook Live.

If you haven't already, download OBS. After opening the program, skip the automatic configuration wizard.

Next, go to File> Settings> Output, and select Advanced in the Output Mode dropdown menu. Select the H264 video encoder from the codec dropdown list. It is recommended to use an encoder (such as NVENC or QuickSync) via software encoder x264 software.

From there, check the upload speed, and subtract about 20 percent to determine which bitrate you should configure in your streaming software. The recommended bit rate is 4000 kbps (4 Mbps).

The Keyframe Interval setting must be set to at least every 2 seconds during the broadcast. Also, be sure to only use H264 encoded video and AAC encoded audio.

After that, head to Settings> Video to set up your desired resolution and frames per second (FPS). The maximum supported settings are 720p (1280 x 720) resolution at 30fps.

To start live broadcasting, you will need to connect and select at least one video source (for example, a connected camera, screen share, or pre-recorded file). When you're ready to go live, go to Settings> Broadcast. Choose Facebook Live as a service.

Copy and paste the broadcast key from Live Producer and into OBS. You can find this in the broadcast setup section of Live Producer

When ready, hit start broadcasting, then go back to Live Producer to add graphics.

How to create and add graphics to Facebook Live

Facebook Graphics tool, included in Live Producer, allows you to create and manage graphics during or before live broadcasting. Keep in mind that advance planning is recommended.

If you are ready to add graphics to Facebook Live, go to Live Producer and click Graphics from the top horizontal menu bar.

From here, click on the Select Graphics Package drop-down menu. Here, you can choose a graphics package that suits your video content. Each pack represents a different theme of your graphics. Once you've made a decision, press Continue.

Now, click on the Select a color scheme button under Graphics Preview. Here, you can change the color scheme of your chosen package. After making your choice, copy the URL within the graphics URL to use in your encoder.

Back in Live Producer, select a graphics type from the Create Graphic drop-down list. This menu allows you to specify the position and type of graphics you want to display. Currently, you can choose between a third bottom graphic, cursor, foreground, custom full-screen image, and error (logo).

If you choose a text graphic, you will be prompted to enter text. But if you choose a full-screen image or a logo, you will have to upload an image. Once you do that, click Save to create a new graphic or text element.

Facebook doesn't have a recommended logo size, which is why getting ready and testing is important. You can see how the text or image will be displayed in your live video in the graphics preview window.

When you are ready to activate a graphic, click Publish from the Graphics menu. This graphic will now appear when broadcasting live.

How to create interactive graphics for Facebook Live

What if you want to make your script drawing more attractive? Here are some of the options available to you in Live Producer to easily create this post.

  • Create a survey

Live Producer allows you to create polls from two to four options. It also allows you to choose when polls will appear during the broadcast.

There is no limit to the number of polls you can take during a single broadcast. Better yet, you can create polls before and during the live video.

Here's how to create a custom poll for your broadcast:

  •  In Live Producer, select Surveys from the top horizontal menu bar.

  •  Add the question you want to ask in the Question field, then add up to four choices in the Options field.

  •  If applicable, use the check box to the right of the options to select the correct answer for your survey.

  •  Once done, tap Save.

  • To officially add the poll to your broadcast, select Graphics from the top horizontal menu bar.

  •  From there, you will see live polls available for posting during the live broadcast.

  • Once your poll has not been published, you can click on the polls to see how many viewers voted and how they responded.

  • Create questions

In Live Producer, you can set up questions using the Questions section from the top horizontal menu bar. This feature allows you to ask questions before and during the live broadcast. You can also use it to sort answers from your viewers from newest to oldest (or vice versa).

Here's how to set up a question:

  • Go to Live Producer, and select Questions from the top horizontal menu bar.

  •  Enter your question and click Save.

  •  When you want to ask a question during the live broadcast, head over to Questions and select the question you want to ask.

  • Add Viewer Comment

If you are not sure what content you want to add to your live broadcast, leave it to your viewers. You can pin a caption to the bottom of your video while you Livestream to Facebook, which is a great conversation starter if you're looking to share.

Although this must be done while broadcasting and cannot be prepared in advance, it is very easy to do.

  1.  Start the live broadcast, and click the three dots next to the comment in the left sidebar of the live broadcast.
  2.  Select Add Graphic to Queue.
  3. Select graphics from the top horizontal menu bar.
  4.  You will now see that the selected caption is available for posting at any time during the broadcast.

  • Get the most out of Facebook Live

Adding graphics to Facebook Live, whether interactive or decorative, can help you stand out in your next broadcast. It's a great way to make your live broadcasts look more professional, as well as interact with your audience.