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The most powerful browser prohibits advertisements and pays you money


best browser 2020

Browser Brave is a new browser was launched recently and is a browser built on the system Chromium open source and therefore you can install it Google Chrome Add-ons without problems. The browser features great features make it one of the most powerful browsers and seems to be a competitor soon and we recognize these features in this subject.

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Surf Brave has been released for Windows 64 kernel only and Mac and Android and ios. The browser provides you with speed, security and seamless browsing due to the addition of
ad-blocking, which is provided by default with the browser and features privacy and protection. Since the browser is built on the Chromium system, the browser is close to the performance of other browsers built on the same system.

The browser gives you three options for the ads: the first is Replace ads and is the default player and the ads on the page are replaced with advertisements for the Brave browser. According to reports, the Brave browser in the future wants to replace the ads on the page with their own advertisements and these ads do not follow the user and secure and the revenue is divided between the Brave browser and the user and money are paid through the currency of the Bitcoin. The second option is Block ads, which completely block ads and the last option Allow ads to allow ads.

The browser automatically blocks third-party cookies, pop-ups, and HTTPS Everywhere, which enhances your security and protection while browsing the Internet.

The browser has no option yet to clear the history of browsing and cookies manually or automatically. The browser has few options such as changing the default search engine or changing the default download folder and others...

The Brave browser has some different things. For example, if you open more than 6 pages at the same time, you can split them into two groups. This will speed up browsing and reduce your browser's usage of RAM and the wizard. Google Chrome where this problem was handled in a smart way.

The conclusion is that surfing Brave is a browser in progress and it will take a while for the stable and official version to be released as the version currently available is still under development. It is a browser that is fast and secure and gives users a great surfing experience, free of ads and tracking sites.

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