Get more than $ 5 for free in your payoneer account
Just apply this horrible and reliable method and get over $ 5 free in your payoneer account
In today's post, I will explain to you the easiest and most wonderful way to charge the Pioneer card with some dollars every month as through this method you will be able to get 5 dollars or 7 dollars at least by using one of the services provided by Google, where you will link your account in this The service and you will receive payments ranging from 0.3 cents to 0.99 dollars each time you apply the method and every time you receive the payment in your account you repeat the method, but what is wrong with this method is that when you receive about 10 payments or more, Payoneer freezes and cancels any other payment, but if you return the method After a month of that, you will receive it again normally, and in order to understand more, you must follow this explanation with me.
The first thing you need to do is go to the site you find at the bottom of this post and then click on Ajoute un mode de paiement on this form
Then you fill out the form with the same information that appears in the picture
Only you can write any address or any name it does not matter, but the country, region and zip code write it as shown in the picture and then you will click on Enregistrer
After that, you will see a message of failure to save the information and click on Annuler and click again on Ajoute un mode de paiment and this time you will have the option to add a bank account and choose Ajoute un compte bancaire
Then you open your Payoneer account and fetch your bank account information by clicking on the Global Payment Service on this form
You will be shown the routing number and your account number, which you must enter in order to receive the payment on your account
Then you will enter your account name in the first box and enter the routing number, which consists of 9 numbers in the third box, and the account number, which is a large number in the last box, and click Save, as the picture shows
After that, you choose the option Valider avec un virement test and click on Activate
A message comes informing you that you will receive the money in a few hours
After you receive the first payment, you will unlink your account on the Google service and re-link it again by following the previous steps, as well as do the same method several times to get at least from 5 to 7 dollars
Here is personal proof of having received some of the payments
Website link used in the explanation: