4 ways to solve the problem of webcam stop working on Windows 10 computer
In a world in which video calls via computers or smartphones have become very necessary, whether for communication, work or study, we find that knowing how to fix problems that stop the webcam from working in the Windows 10 computer is a necessary skill, whether the camera is built into the laptop or External as in a desktop computer.
A computer's webcam can suddenly stop for many reasons, including: a driver problem, recent operating system updates, or computer privacy settings that prevent access to the camera.
So if you notice problems with the built-in webcam in your laptop or the external camera in your desktop computer, Windows 10 includes several ways to fix common problems through several built-in tools.
First: discovering the webcam on Windows 10 computer:
Sometimes, the operating system may not automatically detect the webcam after connecting it to the computer, especially in desktop computers, which requires you to do so manually, through the following steps:
- Connect the webcam if you are using a desktop computer.
- Click on the Windows logo on the left side of the screen with the right mouse button.
- From the menu that appears, click on the "Device Manager" option.
- In the window that appears, click on the Actions tab at the top.
- From the menu that appears, click Scan for hardware changes.
- The operating system will automatically search for and list any new devices connected to the computer.
- After done, restart your computer to apply the changes.
Note: If the camera is not detected, disconnect it, restart the computer, and then connect it again via another USB port, and repeat the previous steps again. If the camera is not detected, try connecting it to another computer to make sure that the problem is not in the camera itself, if it does not work, then it may come Time to upgrade your webcam to a newer model.
Second: Allow applications to access the camera:
Usually, the Windows 10 operating system automatically restricts applications such as: video calling applications from accessing the microphone and camera to help you protect your privacy and improve security, which requires you to allow this in the computer settings, and to do so, follow these steps:
- Go to the Settings page on your Windows 10 computer.
- Click on the section (Privacy) Privacy.
- On the left side of the screen that appears, click the Camera tab.
- On the right side of the screen, under the section (Allow access to the camera on this device), click on the option (change) Change.
- In the popup that appears, toggle the button on.
- Under the option (Allow apps to access your camera), toggle the button at the bottom to the on position.
Note: For more control over your privacy, you can select specific applications to launch the camera, under the Choose which Microsoft Store apps can access your camera, where you can switch the button to the running mode for the application you want.
Third: roll back the previous camera driver:
Sometimes, camera manufacturers may roll out updates that contain compatibility issues so if your webcam was working normally before updating the driver, restoring the previous version can solve the problem.To do that, follow these steps:
- Click on the Windows logo on the left side of the screen with the right mouse button.
- From the menu that appears, click on the "Device Manager" option.
- In the window that appears, expand the option that contains the camera, which is often (Imaging devices) or (Cameras) Cameras.
- Click on the name of the camera with the right mouse button, then select (Properties) from the window that appears.
- In the window that appears, select one of the reasons from the list, then press (OK) Yes.
- Confirm the command again, then restart the computer.
Note: This process will prevent the Windows 10 update from installing the camera driver again, however, when a new camera update is available it will be downloaded and installed automatically.
Fourth: Check the privacy settings in the antivirus program:
Some anti-virus and other third-party security programs come with privacy settings that can prevent applications from accessing the webcam in Windows 10, so you should review the privacy settings in the security application on your computer to automatically launch the camera.