This is what private or incognito browsing does
Private Browsing gets rid of your browsing history, saved passwords and content, but if you think it protects you from malware, ads, and ISP monitoring, think again. In the past few years, most internet browsers have added a private browsing mode aimed at the incognito mode. These patterns are characterized by dark colors, and they can give the user the impression that they are browsing them anonymously. Researchers at the University of Chicago and Leibniz University Hanover found that many users believe that private browsing will protect them from malware, ads, and surveillance by internet providers.
Cookies, those pieces of data stored in the browser that enable websites to track user information, allow you to keep logged into your accounts online when you open your browser. For some websites, cookies also track the settings that you configure, such as language, layout and themes.
Private Browsing is designed to avoid keeping traces of your browsing session on your computer, so when you open a private window, cookies are not transferred from the main browsing window. When you close the private browsing window, all cookies that you created while browsing will be deleted.
In theory, without cookies, websites cannot recognize you. So opening a new private browsing window should make you appear online as a new user. After closing a private browsing window, your browsing history, saved passwords and the content you type are cleared.
Can your ISP see what you're looking for in incognito mode?
This is an area where private browsing does not protect you at all. Your ISP, company network administrator, and government agencies will be able to track your browsing habits no matter what browsing mode you use Since it is your gateway to the Internet, ISPs and network administrators control your network-wide traffic and can track the websites you visit whether you are in mode Regular or private browsing.
Although VPNs protect you from snooping on your ISP, they sometimes collect your information and sell it to other parties.
Private Browsing does not stop malware and viruses
In the aforementioned study conducted by the University of Chicago and Leibniz University, 25 percent of respondents said that they believe that private browsing protects them from malware and malicious websites but that most malware will cause harm after installing them on your computer, and harmful websites will harm you regardless. About your browsing status. For example, when you open a phishing email and download a malware-infected attachment while browsing in private mode, you will not be protected (by your browsing mode). Also, private browsing will not protect you from malware that is already installed on your computer, to protect yourself from malware, you will need an antivirus program.