How to make money playing Pubg and Fortnite
It seems that after a sleep that lasted for more than 5 years, no video game has achieved such a remarkable success as the current success of PUBG or Fortnite, which shattered a set of records that had not been reached before by a large number of video games. First, PUBG and Fortnite are games. It can be classified in the same field as it is considered one of the best war game currently on the Internet and the only difference between these two games is that Fornite was not previously available to Android phone users unlike PUBG, which could have been downloaded upon its launch.
Among the things that 95% of people who play, whether through the PUBG app or fortnite, do not know that accounts that are created and accessed to a high level are very much in demand and are sold incredibly well on many electronic platforms, the simplest is the eBay platform that enables you to Selling these accounts is easy, as is the following picture evidence
The same goes for PUBG
As you can see, all accounts of these games are sold at prices exceeding $ 100 per account, so you can spend some time playing for the purpose of developing the level of accounts and selling them on the eBay platform to achieve through them your monthly income without the need for experience in any field.