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First look at Android 12: drastic changes in design


 First look at Android 12: drastic changes in design

On some Android releases, we've seen widespread complaints about a very slight change to the OS design. Maybe in 2021 we won't have these complaints due to a lack of innovation. The premiere of Android 12 has just leaked, revealing drastic changes to the design, colors and shapes of the interface.

First look at Android 12: drastic changes in design

The first screenshots of Android 12 appear to be taken from a custom ROM created by some XDA users. Nothing is further from the reality, as this is expected to be an aspect of the OS during the development phase. The changes are very important when we talk about interface design, although there may also be very important changes in the functions as well.
The most striking feature of the shots is that the entire system turns very distinctive beige and leaves no room for the classic white Android system. We may deal with there ad hoc and not standard Android interface. Of course, we can't help but be amazed at the degree of customization and such drastic changes to the system that we hadn't seen before in previous Android releases.

It is also striking that all interface elements are changing their angles. By including notification tools completely differently from what we've seen before.

First look at Android 12: drastic changes in design

The notification panel is one of the most affected by these changes. They are now displayed in a dull beige color and not out of focus. The top now only shows 4 shortcuts, not 6, so the new icons are bigger and clearer. It's a shape we see a lot in iOS that Android 12 takes from it now.
Just below these shortcuts is a small bar that displays the area to be dragged to see more function shortcuts. It's possible that to edit this list, you just need to press and hold one of these shortcuts.

If we look down a little further, we find a notification area dedicated exclusively to chats from messaging apps. In this field, only messages from WhatsApp, Instagram or other instant messaging applications will be displayed. The rest will be a little less in the general notification area.
Once again, these notification cards have a beige color like the rest of the interface and a little more rounded look than usual. Below it is a button to delete all notifications on the screen.

When you take a look at all the leaked screenshots, it is easy to see that Google wants to change the appearance of Android 12. Not much is known about the new features of the system, but we can actually get a very clear idea of ​​what Android 12 will look like. Of course, this interface can be changed by some other interface, and it is not the one that will come by default in phones.