4 methods used by hackers to bypass a fingerprint
There is no doubt that fingerprint sensors are one of the safest ways to protect your phone or any other device from intruders and hackers, but despite this, and as stated in the movie "Who am I", there is no security system. Hackers and hackers work day and night to improve their methods and update their tools so that they can Bypass these sensors, and in the following, we review some of the methods used by hackers to bypass them.
1. Use key fingerprints
Just as there are master keys that open any physical lock, the fingerprint sensors also have what is called a Masterprint, which is a custom-made fingerprint that contains all the standard features on everyone’s fingers, and although advanced scanners prevent the use of this type of fingerprint, However, the less powerful sensors such as those found in cell phones may not be as stringent, which is what hackers use to use these fingerprints to bypass the fingerprint.
2. Get a picture of your fingerprint
If an intruder gets a clear and accurate picture of your fingerprint, then this means that he has grabbed the key of your phone, especially since passwords can be changed, but the fingerprint is the same for life and it cannot change, and this is one of the gaps that the hacker can enter through. To obtain this image, the hacker targets the location of the fingerprint sensor to obtain the data of your fingerprint, and then scan it and print it in the form of an image via the scanner, and so whenever the intruder wants to enter your phone, this image is used.
3. Use fake fingerprints
If the hacker is not able to obtain a real image of your fingerprint, then he is forced to create a new fake fingerprint from scratch, by obtaining prints of the target fingerprint and recreating it in a variety of ways, often by creating an exact copy of it from wax or wood.
Often this method is not used by hackers unless the target here is in an administrative or governmental position, and this happened a few years ago, as the Guardian newspaper mentioned how a hacker managed to return the fingerprint of the German Defense Minister.
4. Taking advantage of software weaknesses
This method is often used on services and applications that manage passwords that are not secure against attacks, and by which it is not possible to bypass the fingerprint lock only, but all kinds of protection systems. A while ago, Gizmodo reported a defect in the password manager for Lenovo devices by having encrypted passwords once accessed. The intruder can solve the locking of any phone, whatever it is and whatever the protection system adopted by the user, including fingerprint lock.
These were some of the methods used by hackers in an attempt to bypass the protection system for fingerprint sensors, which must be taken into account. You can share the article with your friends for the benefit.