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The most important way to stop forced updates Windows 10


 The most important way to stop forced updates Windows 10

Windows 10 is a great operating system, and Microsoft continues to improve it by installing cumulative updates.

  Updates are an important part of your system for security and stability reasons. However, it became Windows 10's own policy

Forced updates are the subject of controversy and one of its least liked features.

While Microsoft aims to make Windows 10 more efficient by pushing updates, the idea of forced updates is perhaps

It caused problems for users.

Fortunately, you can stop Windows 10 forced updates for an extended period of time. Here, we show you how.

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1. Pause and delay Windows 10 updates if you don't want to receive Windows 10 updates for a specified period of time

Time, there are now two ways to do this, go to “Settings -> Update & Security -> Windows Update

Settings -> Update & Security -> Windows Update, then click on “Pause updates for a while.”

7 days “Pause updates for 7 days.

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This will stop Windows 10 update for seven days, and if you want you can click it again

To "Pause updates for 7 more days," you can also add

The default delay of seven days for Windows updates, in the Windows Update window, click "Advanced Options"

Advanced options, then under “Pause updates,” click the drop-down menu

And set the Windows 10 update blocking end date.

2. Mark your Wi-Fi connection as "Metered" if you want to stop updates

Windows 10 indefinitely, you can set your connection to a metered connection, as long as the limited call button is set to

"Turn" ON, Windows 10 will never download any update without your permission, and to set your connection as limited,

Follow the steps below:

1. Press Win + I to launch the Settings app.
2. Click on the Network & Internet option.
