Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator and founder of Bitcoin, is considered the first person to mine Bitcoin when the Bitcoin block mining reward was estimated at 50 Bitcoin.
In contrast to what is happening today where miners share what they extracted from the reward, Satoshi Nakamoto did not divide these rewards with any other mineral and the mining pools did not originally exist, but he made use of the entire bonus himself, but the difference between now and when Satoshi Nakamoto mined is the bitcoin price that It has increased exponentially since then.
Between January and July 2009, Satoshi is believed to have mined more than a million Bitcoins in total, making him possibly the most productive miner in Bitcoin history.
Recent research indicates that Satoshi could have mined more bitcoin, but stopped deliberately, in order to give other miners a fair chance to mine.
Patushi style:
Although it is not 100% certain exactly how many bitcoins Satoshi mined, the efforts of pioneering security and cryptocurrency researcher Sergio Damien Lerner have provided the best estimate yet.
In a report by Mr. Sergio Damian Lerner titled “The owed wealth of Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin,” Lerner looked at the minerals between January 01, 2009 and January 25, 2010 (pieces 1 to 36288) in an attempt to determine which were extracted by. Satoshi ”.
By doing so, Lerner found that one entity using a single mining machine had mined thousands of blocks in that particular time, and earned around 1 million Bitcoins of Bitcoin mining block rewards.
Lerner coined the term "Batushi pattern" to describe the pattern of blocks that the same entity appears to have extracted, since the pattern began with the first formation block of Bitcoin, it has been assumed that Patushi may be Satoshi Nakamoto himself.
Lerner expanded on this research in April 2019, when he published an article entitled: “The Return of the Deniers, the Revenge of Patoche.”
Here, the author found that Patushi mined about 22,000 blocks alone, taking home a total of 1.1 million Bitcoin block rewards that were then 50 BTC per block.
Looking at the current value of Bitcoin, we find that Satoshi Nakamoto's fortune is estimated at more than $ 35.2 billion, making Satoshi definitely the richest Bitcoin owner in terms of Bitcoin possession.
Bitcoin that Satoshi did not move:
According to recent speculation, Satoshi may have moved 50 Bitcoins from a block from the 2009 era.
But then it was discovered that this bitcoin was outside the era in which Satoshi was back or outside the "Patushi pattern."
Instead, this 50 Bitcoin appears to have been driven by an early adopter of Bitcoin, who has been linked to dozens of other blocks involved during the period when Satoshi was active.
Despite sitting on more than $ 35.2 billion in Bitcoin, there is no solid evidence that Satoshi transferred any of them, demonstrating impressive restraint on the assumption that Satoshi still had access to the private keys containing that money.
So far, many people have publicly claimed to be "Satoshi Nakamoto" including "Craig Wright", "Jorg Molt", "Bilal Khaled" and "Depo Guidus" ...
Others have also been selected as potential candidates by a variety of researchers.
But so far, no one has succeeded in proving that he owns the private keys for any of the addresses believed to be owned by Satoshi, the definitive evidence by which the identity of "Satoshi Nakamoto" can be proven.
In any case, it is possible that Satoshi is either unable or unwilling to spend his Bitcoins, possibly due to the risk that this would lead to his identity.
Whereas, if Satoshi's identity is revealed, this will likely have dramatic repercussions for Bitcoin.