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PlayStation 5 boxes are sold at a price of more than $ 1,000


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 PlayStation 5 boxes are sold at a price of more than $ 1,000, and the eBay platform vows to pursue the sellers.

New generation devices, in particular the PlayStation 5, are witnessing a severe shortage in the market in exchange for a great demand for them, and this matter opened the appetite of brokers and scammers to exploit the huge demand on the device in order to blackmail people and collect more money unlawfully as is happening now through the eBay platform.

While brokers use automatic bots buying systems that book and buy the quantities that are put on the market in a flash and resell them at double prices on global selling platforms such as eBay, new phenomena have begun to invade these platforms, which are controlled by fraudsters who use deceptive methods in order to push buyers to pay Their money for nothing.

The eBay platform, for example, is filled with sellers who offer empty PlayStation 5 boxes for sale for more than $ 1,000 in order to deceive consumers who think they will get a PlayStation 5, but in the end they get the device box empty of any contents.

Some people may see that many of these fraudsters use transparency in describing the product as an empty box and display pictures of this box, but the rush of the consumer who is looking for an opportunity to buy a PlayStation 5 device at any price may not make him pay attention to this description and pay and buy this empty box thinking that it is One last got the device.

EBay company confirmed that it is now removing all products in which users display empty boxes for new generation devices and confirmed that many fell victim to this trick, although the product description shows the fact that the box is empty and there have been several comments from buyers in the seller's pages complaining and making sure that it was deceived with an empty box The company will work to investigate the matter and obtain fairness for both parties.

Although eBay has confirmed that it has started tracking phishers on its platform, until the moment of writing this report, there are still empty boxes for the PlayStation 5 that are offered for sale at a price of more than $ 1000.

In any case, our advice to all visitors to the VGA4A website is not to rush to buy or order any product through the digital platforms except after making sure that it contains the product you are looking for and not to fall into the traps of brokers who take advantage of these exceptional circumstances to make more money that you need to pay.
