For PlayStation Plus subscribers in Asia, they will get 4 free games next month.
Sony revealed yesterday the free PlayStation Plus games for next February, which will include 3 titles: Destruction AllStars, Control: Ultimate Edition, and Concrete Genie, but if you have an account for an East Asian country, such as a Japanese account, for example, you will get an additional fourth game.
The PlayStation Japan account revealed the list of free PlayStation Plus games for the month of February for the region, as the list includes 4 games, including three titles that are coming to the rest of the other accounts in addition to the game Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, which will be available to subscribers of the service on PlayStation 4 devices, but the game will work on the PlayStation 5 Also through pre-compatibility.
The provision of a fourth game for service subscribers on PlayStation 4 devices came because the available version of the Control game within the announced package will not be compatible with PlayStation 4 devices and will only work on PlayStation 5 devices for reasons not yet known, unlike the version available within the Plus game package for the rest of the regions. The version will be compatible from the past and current generation.
It may be justified and it is worth adding a fourth game to the list, but if you can get a Japanese account then your chance to get the fourth game.
The free PlayStation Plus games for the month of February will be available for download next Tuesday, February 2, 2021, and until then, your last chance to get the free Plus games for the month of January, which includes 4 titles:
Playstation 4
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Assetto Corsa Game (Saudi Store)
GreedFall Game (US Store)
Playstation 5
Maneater game (will not be available in the Saudi Store)