New site to check if email or your site is infected with Emotet
One of the biggest malicious software on the planet was dismantled a few days ago by police and judicial authorities from various countries. We are talking about Emotet, which has been described as "the most dangerous malware in the world".
Emotet was behaving in very different ways. Among them, spread via email, for example, by controlling victims' accounts by sending messages on their behalf with infected attachments.
So, to check whether our email addresses or domains have been used by this malware or have been the target of malicious messages, the Have I Been Emotet site was created.
The administrators of this portal were professionals from the Italian cybersecurity company TG Soft. What they did was enable a search engine that would allow you to enter an email address or domain and see if it was infected in any of the Emotet attacks.
The database used for this malware that started in 2014 as a Trojan horse is being updated and at the time of writing, it was last updated on January 25th. Recently, by the way, Emotet has been sabotaged by international authorities.
As we said, it is sufficient for you to log in and put your mail or website link to find out if he was infected: haveibeenemotet